Landscaping and Approaches The new bridge’s approaches can include landscaping and amenities on both the Sacramento and West Sacramento. 8. Share your thoughts about each of the following roadway approach designs. 1. What do you like about the Spring concept's landscaping on the Sacramento side?2. What do you like about the Thru concept's landscaping on the Sacramento side?3. What do you like about the Thru concept's landscaping on the West Sacramento side?4. What do you like about the Spring concept's landscaping on the West Sacramento side?9. Please provide your thoughts on the proposed landscaping for the West Sacramento side of the new bridge. Thru LandscapingSpring Landscaping 10. Please provide your thoughts on the proposed landscaping for the Sacramento side of the new bridge. Thru LandscapingSpring LandscapingShare any additional thoughts or comments you have about the project. This iframe contains the logic required to handle Ajax powered Gravity Forms.